Category Archives: newborn & baby

Newborn-magic – Neugeborenen-Fotografie Zürich

Die Zeit mit Kindern vergeht einfach viel zu schnell: gefühlt nur ein kurzer Wimpernschlag, schon ist aus Eurem kleinen Neugeborenen ein Krabbelkind geworden. Es dauert nicht lange, und es fängt an, die ersten wackeligen Schritte zu machen. Plötzlich rennt es schon voller Energie durch die Wohnung, entdecken seine Umgebung mit neugierigen Augen und lernt jeden Tag etwas Neues dazu. In einem Moment halten wir sie noch im Arm, und im nächsten Moment sind sie schon dabei, ihre eigene kleine Welt zu erkunden! Deshalb ist es mir besonders wichtig, diese kostbaren und flüchtigen Momente mit der Kamera festzuhalten, um die Erinnerungen an jede dieser wunderbaren Phasen für immer bewahren zu können. Hier ein paar wunderschöne Erinnerungen an die magische Neugeborenen-Zeit! Dieser kleine Mann war fast einen Monat alt, als wir fotografiert haben. Folgt diesem Link für mehr Neugeborenen-Fotografie Zürich.

(For English, please scroll down!)

Time with children passes by far too quickly: it feels like just a fleeting moment, and already your tiny newborn has become a crawling toddler. It doesn’t take long before they start making their first wobbly steps. Suddenly, they’re full of energy, racing through the house, exploring their surroundings with curious eyes, and learning something new every day. One moment we’re holding them in our arms, and the next they’re off discovering their own little world! That’s why it’s so important to me to capture these precious and fleeting moments with the camera, to preserve the memories of each of these wonderful stages forever. These are a few memories of the magical Newborn-time! This little man was almost one month old when we took these images. Follow this link for more Newborn Photography Zurich.

3 Tips für Eure Newborn-Session – Neugeborenen-Fotografie Zürich

(For English, please scroll down.)

Wann solltet Ihr Eure Newborn-Session buchen?
Vielleicht habt Ihr gehört, dass Ihr Eure Neugeborenen-Session innerhalb der ersten 2 Wochen nach der Geburt planen solltet. Dies ist besonders wichtig für ‚posed‘ Newborn-Sessions, bei denen das Baby für die Posen schlafen muss. Ich empfehle dennoch, auch eine Lifestyle-Neugeborenen-Session früh zu planen, aus den folgenden Gründen: a) Neugeborene wachsen und verändern sich SO schnell, also halte ihre ganze Winzigkeit so früh wie möglich fest!, b) viele Neugeborene entwickeln Neugeborenen-Akne, die meist zwischen 2-5 Wochen auftritt. Damit Ihr auch wirklich Euren Wunschtermin für die Newborn-Session bekommt, solltet Ihr frühzeitig, noch während der Schwangerschaft, Euren Termin buchen!

Was zieht Ihr am besten an?
Simple is best, comfort is key! Haltet die Farben neutral – aber habt auch keine Angst, ein paar Farb-Akzente hinzuzufügen! Off-White, Creme, Grau und dezente Farben sehen auf Fotos immer am besten aus und sorgen für zeitlose Bilder. Vermeidet leuchtende Farben und kräftige Farben wie Schwarz und Dunkelblau sowie Hemden mit großen Logos, denn all das kann vom Wichtigsten in Euren Fotos ablenken: Der Fokus soll auf Euch und Eurem Kleinen liegen, nicht auf einem T-Shirt!

Wie könnt Ihr Euch vorbereiten?
Bitte fühlt Euch nicht verpflichtet, Euer ganzes Haus vor der Session zu putzen! Ich bin auch Mama, und zwar von zwei ziemlich unordentlichen Mädchen. Also kann mich wirklich nichts erschrecken. ;) Wenn möglich, versucht, die Oberflächen und Böden in den Bereichen, in denen Ihr fotografiert werden möchtet, frei zu räumen. Weniger ist mehr bei Neugeborenen-Sessions.
Noch etwas zu bedenken: Eure Bettwäsche. Euer großes Bett ist der perfekte Ort, um Euch beim Kuscheln mit Eurem Neugeborenen zu fotografieren, aber Bettwäsche in leuchtenden und kräftigen Farben wirft Schatten und Farben auf die Haut, was einen Farbton hinterlässt. Wenn möglich, haltet es einfach und schlicht. Weiß und Creme sind ideal für ästhetisch ansprechende und zeitlose Bilder.
Wenn möglich, haltet das Haus ein bisschen wärmer als sonst. Babys lieben es warm und kuschelig, und wenn das Haus kalt ist, werden sie es uns wissen lassen, wenn es ihnen nicht gefällt!

Last but not least: entspannt Euch!! Wir nehmen uns Zeit, folgen dem Rhythmus Eures Babys, machen Pausen zum Füttern nach Bedarf. Ihr könnt Euch einfach darauf konzentrieren, Euer Kleines zu genießen, und ich werde Euer kleines, grosses Wunder für Euch festhalten!

When to schedule your Newborn-Session:
You may have heard that you should schedule your newborn session within the first 2 weeks after giving birth. While this is more important for posed newborn sessions where your baby needs to be asleep for posing, I would still recommend scheduling your session early for a lifestyle newborn session as well, for the following reasons: a) newborns change and grow SO fast, so capture them in all their tinyness early!, b) many newborns develop newborn acne, which usually appears between 2-5 weeks of age. To secure the ideal session-date, you should definitely book your session early, while you are still pregnant.

What to wear:
Simple is best. Comfort is key. Keep color neutral – but don’t be afraid to add a little bit of colour! Off-whites, creams, grey and subdued colours always photograph the best and make for timeless images. Try to avoid bright and bold colours like black and dark blue, and shirts with large logos on them, because all that can take away from the overall feel and look of your images. We want the focus to be on you and your little one, not what your shirt said!

How to prep:
Please do not feel the need to clean your entire house before the session. I’m a mom too, of two rather messy girls. So literally nothing scares me. ;) However, if you can, try and declutter items on counters/floors in the spaces you’d like me to photograph in. Less is more when it comes to newborn sessions.
Something else to consider: your bedding. Your big bed is usually a great place to photograph you snuggling with your newborn, however bedding in bright and bold colours will cast shadows and colours on skin, leaving a tint of whatever colour the blanket is. So if you can, keep it simple and plain. Whites and creams are always ideal to ensure aestetically pleasing images.
If possible, keep your house a bit warmer than usual. Babies love being warm and cuddly and when the house is cold, they’ll let you know if they don’t like it!

Lastly and most importantly: relax!! We will go with the flow and follow your baby’s lead, take feeding breaks as needed. You can just focus on enjoying your little one, and let me capture your wonder!

Wunderschöne Neugeborenen-Fotografie Zürich

Neugeborenen-Fotografie Zürich:

Bei meinen Neugeborenen-Sessions hat ganz klar Euer Baby das Sagen! Anstelle stundenlanger Versuche, das Baby zum Schlafen zu bringen, um es dann in unnatürliche Posen zu drängen, halte ich viel lieber seine natürlichen Bewegungen und Ausdrücke fest. Ist Euer Baby schläfrig, lassen wir es sanft im Bettchen oder auf einer weichen Decke ruhen, um einige Bilder nur vom Baby allein zu machen. Und wenn es ein wenig unruhig ist, halten wir diese intimen Nahaufnahmen einfach direkt in der Geborgenheit Eurer liebevollen Arme fest.

Wenn Ihr auf diese zeitlosen Bilder zurückblickt, werdet Ihr von Wärme erfüllt sein, wenn Ihr Euer Kleines sicher und zufrieden in Eure Arme gekuschelt seht, anstatt Euch an den Stress zu erinnern, einen unruhigen Säugling stundenlang zu beruhigen. Grosse Geschwister sind natürlich ebenfalls ein wichtiger Teil der Baby-Fotosession und werden von mir nicht nur gemeinsam mit ihrem neugeborenen Geschwisterchen und der ganzen Familie, sondern auch allein, als ‚Star der Show‘ fotografiert – wie die stolze grosse Schwester hier in dieser wunderschönen Fotosession in Zürich.

Ihr wünscht Euch ebenfalls solche innigen und liebevollen Neugeborenen-Fotos? Dann meldet Euch gern bei mir!

(For English – see below image gallery)

Newborn photography Zurich:

My newborn sessions are ‚baby-led‘, meaning your little one calls the shots. Rather than subjecting your baby to hours of stressful attempts of getting them to sleep und putting them into unnatural poses, let’s celebrate their natural movements and expressions. If baby is sleepy, we’ll gently let them rest in the comfort of their crib, or on a soft blanket, for some images of just them. And if they’re feeling a bit fussy, we’ll capture those intimate close-up moments right in your loving arms.

When you look back at these timeless images, you’ll be filled with warmth as you see your precious little one snuggled up, safe and content in your embrace, instead of recalling the stress of trying to soothe a restless baby for hours and hours. Older siblings are of course also an important part of the baby photo-session, and I not only photograph them together with their brandnew baby-sibling and the whole family, but also on their own, as the ’star of the show‘ – like the proud big sister here, during this beautiful newborn session here in Zurich.

Are you looking for emotional and authentic newborn images like this? Get in touch, I’m looking forward to meeting you!

a day old | shanghai newborn photographer

I love ‚Fresh 48‘ sessions – they are always the ones that truly steal my heart. As the name suggests, I will come to the hospital within the first 48 hours of your baby’s life, and capture everything you will want to remember: how tiny your baby looks in that hospital bassinet, the flaky fingers on tiny hands, the wrinkly knees, that little swirl of hair on the top of their head, the hospital bracelet around this tiny ankle… You will want to remember how you felt holding your brand new baby – so in awe and so full of love – and how you felt watching your partner hold them and gaze at this perfect little miracle. These first images will hopefully bring these feelings back and make you melt all over again every time you look at them!

sneak peek: fresh 48 | shanghai newborn photographer

For a ‚Fresh 48‘ session, I come to the hospital to photograph your little one within the first 48 hours of his or her life. A wonderful way to memorise this beautiful and emotional time, a brand new life.

This little boy was exactly 24 hours old when I met him. In fact, he was just given his very first bath when I arrived at the hospital, which he wasn’t very impressed with at the time. But as you can see, he was very content afterwards – and he sported a very handsome head of freshly washed and perfectly soft hair for his first photo shoot!

Welcome to the world, little man!

newborn baby in hospital bassinet in shanghainewborn baby hands and feetnewborn boy in hospital bassinetmom holding newborn babyDad holding newborn baby in his armscouple on hospital bed holding newborn baby

music lovers | newborn photographer shanghai

This gorgeous little baby girl was very calm throughout almost the whole session, and simply enjoyed being held and lovingly adored by her proud parents. When towards the end of the session, she woke up a bit more and started to cry, all it took were some tunes from Mom’s cello or Dad on the piano, and immediately she calmed down again. The love for music obviously runs in the family!

parents with newborn baby on sofaparents looking at their baby girl adoringlystuffed toy on coffee tableparents cradling their newborn baby girlnewborn baby sleeping in the arms of her parentsdad smiles at mom with newborn babyparents with newborn smiling at each otherparents smiling at their babyparents sitting with there baby girl on the sofadad hugging mom with newborn babymom holding her newborn daughterdad holding his newborn daughterphoto of nursery decorationstar wars mobile hanging over baby cribbaby lying in her cribdad leaning over newborn baby's cribparents on bed with newborn babymom plays cello to calm babydad plays piano while mom holds babydad playing piano to calm babyparents with baby reflected in mirror

so very loved | newborn photographer shanghai

A quick sneak peek from this morning’s newborn session:
This gorgeous little girl is so, so loved!
And just look at the expression on her siblings‘ faces in that last image… they simply adore her!

parents holding newborn babynewborn baby girl in her parents' armsnewborn baby girl is adored by her siblings


cake smash | baby photography shanghai

First birthdays are so much fun! Especially if you get to eat – and destroy! – a whole cake, all by yourself!
And if this is followed by a bubble bath and then story time with mom and dad, how much more perfect can a day be?!

(One of the images also has me in it! Can you find me? ;))

portrait of baby and cakefirst birthday baby girlfirst birthday cake smashlittle girl happy about caketoddler's hand in cakelittle girl digging into cakecake smash photography for toddlertoddler girl with face full of cakebaby girl making mess during cake smashhappy baby girl with cakegirl digs into cake with both handstoddler face full of cakedad giving baby girl a bathbaby girl in bath foamfoam bath for toddlerfoam bath and bubblesbaby girl with bubblesdad dries toddler after bathbaby girl wrapped in towelcute toddler wrapped in toweldad and toddler girltoddler sitting on bedstory time with a toddlerparents and toddler reading bookbaby girl with a bookparents lifting laughing babycuddles with dad and babyfamily with toddler and silver balloonsfamily reflection in silver balloonsfamily portrait with silver balloons

drawn to drawers | baby photography singapore

Drawers generally hold a special fascination for toddlers: something you can open yourself, that has lots of interesting stuff inside, and you can take out everything and throw it on the floor… Putting stuff back into the drawer usually does not hold quite the same fascination though. This handsome little boy is no exception. I particularly love that the first thing he grabs is not a toy, but these ‚Vacuum seal storage bags‘: like for all toddlers, ‚grown-up items‘ also generally hold a special fascination…

toddler crawling and playing with toyphoto of crawling baby with toylittle boy sitting next o open drawerphoto of baby opening a drawertoddler standing next to open drawer

everything changes | newborn photography singapore

‚you always hear people say that having kids changes everything,
but you can’t fully realise it until you have children yourself.‘

~ jeff bridges

well, for me this was certainly true!
you hear so much from other people, you read a lot, you think you are prepared…
and then this little bundle arrives, and you realise that nothing could prepare you for this profound change in your life and in yourself. you already knew that you would love this baby, but you didn’t know just how much love you’d be capable of feeling until you first laid eyes on this tiny human being!

newborn portraits in nursery in singaporeportraits of newborn baby with parents in singaporeprofessional photographs of newborn baby in singaporeparents holding newborn baby in singaporeprofessional newborn photo session in singaporephotos of mom and newborn baby in singapore

some more adorable images of baby here.

Zurich, Switzerland, and worldwide